Terms and conditions & Privacy Policy
These Terms and Conditions regulate the relationships between ReklamaUK.com (website) and the User (natural or legal person) and come into force from the date of the ads posting on the site. In case of disagreement with these Rules the User is not entitled to post ads. If you continue posting your ad you fully and unconditionally agree with these Rules.
When posting ads the User is responsible for the information posted by him/her and for the consequences of its posting, in accordance with law in force in United Kingdom.
The User agrees never, under any circumstances, to use the Website for publication, distribution, storage and/or transmission in any form of information, materials, data, which contain:
Classified information (for example, addresses, phone numbers, and other information relating to the personal data of third parties, etc.);
Violate the rights of minors;
Insult the honor and dignity, rights and legitimate interests of third parties, promote incitement to religious, racial, ethnic, or interethnic hatred, etc .;
Violate the rules of posting in the Site;
Any other information, distribution, disclosure or other usage of which is prohibited or restricted by law, contract or otherwise.
The User agrees that the Site is not responsible for use by third parties of the information posted by the site Users in the announcement form.
The User agrees to place his/her personal data in the Announcement forms (and other site services) for their further posting on the Website and usage during various activities, events and projects of the Website. The term of their usage is unlimited and is independently determined by the User.
The User is responsible for the safety of his/her password and account information.
Information collected
The administration of this site may collect the following information about users of the site:
- Full Name
- Sex
- Age
- Address
- E-mail address
- Phone number
- IP-address
Examples of the user’s personal data usage:
- to provide information and services requested by the user
- to respond to the user’s requests
- to conduct surveys
- for internal reports
- to improve the quality of the products or services
- to solve different kinds of disputes
- for monitoring of the site functioning
- to send different types of e-mails
- for generating statistical data
1. For advertisement posting and editing, registration is required.
2. Companies and individuals are allowed to post (update) an unlimited number of ads.
It is prohibited to place ads from multiple accounts by the same person (individual or company). All accounts of this user will be blocked, and all ads will be removed.
3. It is not allowed to place duplicate advertisements in the same section.
4. The information referred to in the advertisement, must comply with the section.
5. When posting ads do not use advertising information, links, except in case it is obligatory in accordance with the legislation in force.
6. The address and telephone number indicated in the ad must be located geographically in the region, on the site of which the information is placed.
7. Advertisement should be typed in Cyrillic. It is prohibited to type the text, entire words using capital letters, color highlighting, to use outside characters, codes and so on.
8. The field “Photo” is intended for the photos directly related to the content of the ad (photo posting is not required). Do not place company logos, flyers and other images in this field.
9. Do not post ads with unreliable data.
10. Administration of this site may, without the knowledge of the users, remove ads that contain false or outdated information.
11. The user is responsible for the accuracy of the ads, the absence or distortion of the information that is important for the consumer.
1. Moderation is realized in your private office. (Log in to My Account ⇒My private office ⇒Control panel
2. All the ads posted on the site are moderated in accordance with the ADVERTISEMENT POSTING GUIDELINES.
3. Prior moderation is required in case of:
- – All new ads
- – All edited ads
4. If the moderator has rejected the announcement because of its discrepancy to the Rules, the user may correct it in his personal office and then send it to be checked by the moderator.
5. In the event if the posted announcements are regarded by the moderator as spam, these ads are removed and the user is disabled to access to the site.
6. If the ads are posted by the same company or individual with different accounts, such ads are removed from the site, and such users are disabled to access to the site.
7. Every user has the right to complain to the moderator, if he/she sees improper ads on the website, inform us about it through the feedback.
8. The administration of ReklamaUK.com reserves the right to block users’ access to the site without giving a reason.
The administration does not give any insurance or warranties with respect to the Site and its contents, including, but not limited to, the timeliness, relevance, accuracy, completeness, reliability, availability or fitness for any particular purpose of the Site and its Content, in respect that when using the Website any error will occur, it will be safe and uninterrupted, that the Administration will correct any defect or that the Site will not contain viruses or other malicious codes, as well as the Content and the Site do not violate the rights of third parties .
Some links on the Site lead to resources located on other sites. These links are posted only for convenience of the users and do not imply the fact that the Administration approves the content of external sites. In addition, the Web Administration is not responsible for the availability of these resources and their contents. This statement is applied to all links posted on the Site, and the materials of all websites accessible through the banners and links on the website.
Advertiser is the only responsible person for advertisements placed on the site. The site specifically informs that it does not guarantee the possibility to purchase or use certain goods or services at prices and/or the conditions specified in the ads, or announcement units (texts, banners). You agree that the Site is not be liable for the consequences (including any loss or damage) arising out of any relationship with advertisers or ads authors. At any time the Web Administration have the right to make changes to the Rules, which come into force immediately. If you continue using the Site after introduction of changes you agree to comply with the new rules.
The Web Administration is not ever liable for the information transmitted by the user by using the Site and does not control its accuracy, completeness and reliability. The User acknowledges that the Web administration does not preliminarily review the information published by the User on the Site, and is not obliged to check its authenticity, accuracy and relevance. The User understands that the Site technology provides for User’s information transfer through computer networks that are outside the area of the Web Administration responsibility.